Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Activities for Preschool - Balloon Snowman and Snow Painting

January weather has left no doubt that winter is in full swing. If you are looking for some winter activities for preschool look at these ideas.

Thanks to everyone who has been sending me these great ideas that they are using with their children. There are indoor and outdoor activities here that can certainly add to your projects for the day.

All hands on activities are ways to teach colors, textures, counting, science and learning to work together on projects or classroom decorations.

Balloon Snowman

Blow up small balloon.
Dip in white paint.
Press onto blue construction paper (press harder to form large circle for base).
Press a second time for middle section (don't press as hard).
Press a third time for head (least amount of pressure).
Glue on precut rectangle for scarf (construction paper).
Glue on precut top hat (black construction paper).
Using black paint, dip Q-tip and dot on eyes, nose, mouth, and buttons on body.
Black marker to draw stick arms.

Children have fun building their own snowman!

Outdoor Snow Artwork
Idea #1
You need a cookie sheet, different colored tempera paint in cups, and paintbrushes. Take children outside in the snow and have children pack the cookie sheet with snow. Let them paint on the snow using the paintbrushes. Take a picture with a camera for a keep sake.

Idea #2
Prepare food coloring and water in spray bottles. venture outside on a sunny day and have your preschoolers Work together to build snowmen. Let them take turns spraying the clothes on the snowmen with the different colored water. Creative and lots of fun. The children especially enjoy watching the colors evaporate or change during the weeks to come.

Cut a green pepper in half crosswise. Let the children dip the pepper into white paint and press down onto dark blue colored construction paper. Add glitter to the picture before the paint dries.

If you like these winter activities for preschool, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.


There are Two Editions now for the Preschool Planner: Basic or Platinum.

Send me any ideas you would like to share and I will post them on my Blog.


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