Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Preschool Music Activities - Paper Plate Dance

These preschool music activities were sent to me recently. A universal love of preschoolers is music. Add music to activities and you create a favorite time for them.

You can incorporate these into your lesson plans on counting, following directions, listening skills and more.

Use your imagination and try them.

Worthy of note is safety here. Always talk about safe ways to move about when trying these activities so that no one gets hurt.

Paper Plate Dance!

Both my 3's and 4's love dancing on paper plates. Put on some good music, put a paper plate under each foot, and s l i d e to the music. Good for following directions - forward, backward, to the left, to the right, can you go in a circle?

Musical Plates!

Also, a game similar to Musical Chairs. Walk around a circle of paper plates. When the music stops, ask 1 or 2 children to look under their plate and tell what's under it. It can be a color, shape, number, letter, or whatever else you are working on. Again, fun, easy, and educational.

If you like these preschool music ideas, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.


There are Two Editions now for the Preschool Planner: Basic or Platinum.

If you prefer lessons which have ideas for the Toddler Age, go here to the second volume of lessons. There is an entire bonus section devoted to TODDLERS.


Send me any ideas you would like to share and I will post them on my Blog.


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