Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Preschool Nature Activities - Wall Collage & Bird Nests

Here is in the US spring is finally here. I can't think of any better plan than to do preschool nature activities with my kids. These ideas are definitely not limited to the spring time but we are all anxious to get outside and enjoy nice weather--finally after so much snow.

Going outside for walks, observing their world around them, collecting things along the way provide hours of fun learning activities to do in the classroom or outside.

Here are just 2 of my nature activities that are always a hit.

Environmental Wall Collage
we like to walk around outside & find items to put on a giant wall collage. The children find the items, glue it to poster board if they want to or straight on the wall collage.

Next we write a short story on where we went, what we found, and the children get to show off to the parents or guardians. It’s a great way to get them to recognize the environment around them and then the gluing helps with the fine motor skills and the story helps the language & development.

Use this activity before an Open House in your school and all the parents get to see just how busy their children have been!

Bird Nest
Try making bird nests with your class. Go for a walk with your preschoolers and ask them to collect twigs from the school yard. Take your twig treasures inside for your project.

Show them a real bird nest or a picture of one and tell them they will get to make their own nest. You will need a disposable foam bowl for each child.

You will need to cover the inside with craft glue. They put their twigs inside their bowl and then they pour some more glue on top of it. Set them aside for two days (or until the glue has dried.)

After two days show them how to take it out of the bowl and they will have their own personal bird nest. They are so proud of the nest that they made.

If you like these preschool nature activities, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.

There are Two Editions now for the Preschool Planner: Basic or Platinum.

Send me any ideas you would like to share and I will post them on my Blog.


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