Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Preschool Science Activities - Where do Pearls Come From?

Preschool science activities offer so many opportunities for hands on exploration. You can also use them to encourage the use of dramatic play fun that preschoolers love.

One of my circle time ideas is to talk about the next month that is coming up. For June, talk about monthly birthstones. The one for June is the pearl. Do they know what a pearl is? Where does it come from?

Talk about how oysters make pearls. In nature, a pearl is unusual, and finding gemstone quality pearls is rare. The pearl starts out as an irritant in a oyster or mussel. The "irritant" can be a bit of shell or parasite that gets caught in the soft tissue, which the pearl oyster tries to expel. If it can't get rid of it, t/he oyster coats the bothersome piece with a coating called nacre, forming the June birthstone.

Use the following ideas to continue the theme of pearls.

Secret Pearl Coloring Page
Since June’s birthstone is a pearl, show students where pearls come from by giving them an underwater scene to color and decorate. Give them a pearl to hold and look at and ask them to draw a secret pearl somewhere on their page. Then, they can trade pages and see who can find the hidden pearl.

Find the Pearl
Bring in three closed containers and put a pearl in one of them. Show the students which container the pearl is in and then mix the containers around. Students must try to follow the container with the pearl in it until you stop moving the containers. You should try to make them forget which one holds the pearl. When you stop, they can guess and you can see if anyone is right. Try this several times to improve their skills at attention and memory.

Dramatic Play: Underwater Divers
Send your students on a scuba mission to find valuable pearls at the bottom of the ocean. They must avoid sharks, jellyfish, and other dangerous animals as they venture to the bottom of the sea. They can comment on the types of animals they encounter and what it feels like to be able to breathe underwater.

If you like these preschool science activities, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.


P.S. If you would like to receive my free newsletters for ideas for your preschool class, enter your name and address at the site below:

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pirate Theme for Preschool - My Town Treasure Hunt

One of the favorite themes my children enjoy is the pirate theme for preschool. This is a theme you can use to teach any topic you wish--colors, directions, letters, counting, reasoning, etc.

Thanks to one of my readers for sending the idea below for an incredible, town-wide Treasure Hunt.

My Town Treasure Hunt

I have used this for several years to help learn the letter X as well as help my preschoolers explore the world around them. This activity is done with their parents. It is a lot of fun. I call it "My Town Treasure Hunt."

I make up 6 or 7 clues that relate to stores or land marks in our area. At each stop they get the next clue along with a small treat or sticker. I speak with the store owners ahead of time and they are always glad to help (It is free advertising for them!)

At the last stop I give them a simple map to follow that leads them to "X marks the spot!" I put together a simple bag of things the kids can do like bubbles, playdough, crayons and a small notebook etc. I put the bags in a treasure box for them to take home.

If you like this pirate theme for preschool, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.

There are Two Editions now for the Preschool Planner: Basic or Platinum.

Send me any ideas you would like to share and I will post them on my Blog.


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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Preschool Activities for Cinco de Mayo

This is a fun week to teach your preschoolers about another culture. Use the following preschool activities for Cinco de Mayo for their fun celebrations!

I like to begin by showing my students where Mexico is? Bring out a globe and
show the children where you live and where Mexico is. Discuss how long it
might take to get there by car and then by plane.

This holiday is more of a celebration of Mexican culture, food, music and
beverage unique to Mexico. Cinco De Mayo is a great way to expose
preschoolers to the Mexican culture.

These preschool activities for Cinco de Mayo are for all the centers of the classroom.

Counting in Spanish

Talk with the children about Spanish, explaining that it is the language
spoken in Mexico. Have children try to count in Spanish with your help. You
may wish to make a chart. (Some of your children may already be familiar
with the language especially if they have watched Sesame Street!)

Counting from 1-10 in Spanish.
1. uno (oo-no)
2. dos (doss)
3. tres (trace)
4. cuatro (kwah-tro)
5. cinco (seen-ko)
6. seis (say-ees)
7. siete (see-ay-tay)
8. ocho (oh-cho)
9. nueve (nuay-vay)
10. diez (dee-ace)

Jumping-Bean Jumping

Play music let the children jump like jumping beans, when the music stops
they must freeze in the postion they were in. When the music starts again the
they all jump again. Good for listening skills and gross motor skills.

Have the children make maracas. There are many different ways to do this but
the following is one of the easiest for all ages to do.
Take beans and place between two plates. Staple the plates together. Glue a
craft stick to one side. Allow the kids to paint or decorate the plates how
they like. Put on the music and have them parade or dance throughout the

Bean Bag Toss
Need: Bean bags and sombrero.

Toss beanbags into a sombrero and lots of fun! You can teach color
recognition, counting by telling them how many bean bags they get to throw
and/or counting how many make into the hat and how many did not.

If you like these preschool activities for Cinco de Mayo, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.

There are Two Editions now for the Preschool Planner: Basic or Platinum.

Send me any ideas you would like to share and I will post them on my Blog.


P.S. If you would like to receive my free newsletters for ideas for your preschool class, enter your name and address at the site below:

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