Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Preschool Art Projects - Frozen Paint and Water Painting

I can't imagine a day with my students without preschool art projects. I also find that the simpler activities are just as fun as the more elaborate ideas I have done over the years.

Here are 2 easy, creative ideas that I use often. My readers have sent me similar suggestions and it is such fun to hear these same ideas from around the world!

Frozen Paint
One thing I have found that my preschool classes have really enjoyed is painting with frozen paint. All you have to do is fill an ice tray or popsicle trays with paint. Stick it in the freezer.

Once frozen let the children enjoy painting. School Supply stores also sell containers specifically for this purpose for pretty cheap. I have found that sometimes the painting works best when you let the trays sit out for 1/2 before painting unless it's a really hot day. It can be messy as the paint thaws so do this activity in a water table or outside.

Water Evaporation
Materials: Water, Paintbrushes

When practicing letters/shapes/numbers--anything!
We go outside to the wall or sidewalk.
Give each child a paintbrush and have 2 children share a cup of water with each other.

They listen for the teacher to tell them what to draw. On a sunny day, before they know it, their letter or picture has "disappeared." They love getting to paint and also watching it disappear.

If you like these preschool art projects, check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.


There are Two Editions now for the Preschool Planner: Basic or Platinum.

If you prefer lessons which have ideas for the Toddler Age, go here to the second volume of lessons. There is an entire bonus section devoted to TODDLERS.


Send me any ideas you would like to share and I will post them on my Blog.


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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Preschool Summer Activities - Flower Garden on a Plate

Happy summer to everyone! If you're looking for preschool summer
to do with your preschoolers, try this one.

It is a delightful way to get outside on a nature walk
and to use it as an opportunity of exploration.

You can help your preschoolers appreciate their surroundings.
Ask about colors and textures; count how many flowers they have
found to bring back to their classroom to decorate. These are just
a few of the ways you can turn a walk outside into an outdoor
classroom where children learn by doing. My favorite!

Here is the idea:
"A Garden of flowers and grasses on a squared paper plate".
Give each child a pair of scissors and go for a morning walk.
They cut wild flowers and grasses of their choice.
Each child is given a paper plate and colourful play dough.

The playdough is used to hold the flowers and grasses into place
on the paper-plate and voila--you have a garden which will hold
for a while. The kids loved this activity.

This was an all hands on activity with no help from me.

Thanks to one of my readers who sent in this preschool summer activity
that she does with her children.

f you like these preschool summer activities,
check out the other ideas in the Preschool Planner.


Enjoy and remember to send in any ideas you wish
to share and I will post them here.


PS: If you would like to receive my free newsletter for more ideas for your preschool class, enter your name and address at the site below:


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