I think my favorite preschool art project is our Artist of the Month project. Many of you have emailed me with similar programs and I love hearing about these.
Here is just one of the many similar programs that my readers have sent to me.
Artist of the Month
We learn about a famous artist every month through their paintings and stories about them. We hang copies of their art and the children draw them and paint them at the easel.
At one point during the month, I take each child individually and work 1 on 1 with them to create one of the artists most famous pieces of art. For instance, we learn about Van Goghs "Starry, Starry Night" and we try to replicate it.
Once everyone is done, the hallway is full of wonderful art created by our "Master Artists".
Once, when we we're talking about Picasso and how he put facial features in all the wrong places (like an ear on the subject's head) one of the children did the same thing with a Mr. Potato Head and said, "Look Ms. Susan, I made a Picasso!" I loved it!!
Thanks for sending this in to share.
I hope you liked this and welcome you to share it with others.
If you would like more arts and crafts ideas, check out my Preschool Art Experience at the link below:
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